Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mid-August Update

Chris, 6 Nassau
Chris, Pedals

We've been in the studio quite a lot this summer, and we've managed to record bed tracks for 10 songs so far. We're currently going through those tracks, doing some editing, figuring out overdubs, etc. We will be doing another 6 days of recording in a couple of weeks—we'll be laying down 2 new tracks and fleshing out the others (adding vocals, and other bits). Very exciting, things are moving along at a rapid pace when compared to the last 4 years (heh).


tim said...

Has it only been 4 years? Feels like eternity.

Derek said...

Tim, what I like about you is that you're a total ball-buster. It has actually been more like 6 years if you go by what is commonly accepted as "time" by most humans. I just meant, that we've accomplished more in recent months than we had done in a long time. But the good news is that we just completed 6 straight days in the studio and we've finished recording the music for 12 songs, so now we just have to lay down some vocals, do some mixing and we're off to the races! Give it another couple of years and we should be done this bad boy! (i'm kdding man!)